But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised by the people. Psalm 22:6
This verse is a Psalm of David. What stood out for me, is the word reproach. According to the dictionary, it means: ?To address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment.
Do we not express reproach daily towards Jesus? Are we not ashamed of Him. I know it sounds terrible, but think about it. Even Peter was ashamed of Jesus for a moment when he denied Him three times. We cannot say that we will never do that. Peter was one of the Disciples and yet, denied Jesus. The other even ran away, is that not the same thing as being ashamed.
When we hold back in telling someone about Jesus, we are practicing reproach, because we are afraid that we will be humiliated, laughed upon, lose friendships, and even be judged because of what we say. We do not want to be associated with Jesus because it can damage our reputation.
Think about it. Why is it so easy to share any other content on Social Media, but so difficult to share something about the Gospel? It is called reproach for Jesus.
What is even more amazing is Jesus' forgiveness toward Peter. Jesus forgives us too and therefore we should pray and ask Him to guide us not to be ashamed anymore, but to spread the gospel. I believe in my heart that we are all meant to be fishers of man. To tell others about the good news. It is never too late.
Saying that makes me remember a testimony someone shared with me recently. Her brother-in-law was a very bad person. He eventually had pancreas cancer and she prayed for him for healing. God told her that her brother was healed, but he still passed away. She struggled with God and when God answered she did not get the response she thought she would get. Gold told her that he was healed spiritually as her brother-in-law gave his heart to Jesus.
Now, that is why it is important to keep telling people about Jesus, not to be ashamed, because your actions, can save somebody from going to hell.